
DARC-SPICE was developed during the Opscientia Open Web Fellowship on Science Token Communities. It is a fork of the TokenSPICE simulator, which was originally used for validating smart contracts from Ocean Protocol.

TokenSPICE was created as a design and verification tool in token engineering, similarly to SPICE in electrical engineering.

DARC-SPICE is used by meta-science researchers for design and validation of alternative science communities centered around a specific objective function. The workflow of DARC-SPICE goes from the design of a token ecosystem to the development of agents, their available actions, and the logic behind them, and ends with the implementation of the netlist which defines the simulation.

Currently, DARC-SPICE requires a lot of manual development, however, our future work will focus on automating the design process to the point where only the actions of agents need to be defined and the rest would be implemented via a GUI.

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